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BT背景故事——第二部分 [复制链接] [加入收藏]

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离线 phoenix
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2004-06-26 00:00:00
2014-12-22 14:26:17
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BINALTECH STORY: アンフィニッシュド・ビジネス PART2





zzznnn999 宣传值 +5 - 2006-09-25
离线 moon5122
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2008-08-15 20:01:32
2014-03-27 14:12:44
只看该作者 1  发表于: 2008-10-31 23:14:45
离线 bim24
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2006-02-12 15:39:00
2014-11-08 10:49:41
只看该作者 2  发表于: 2008-10-31 23:23:30
离线 akirayuki
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2006-09-07 14:08:37
2014-03-30 02:10:33
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2004-11-28 13:45:00
2014-07-29 19:58:30
只看该作者 4  发表于: 2008-11-01 11:31:03
离线 phoenix
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2004-06-26 00:00:00
2014-12-22 14:26:17
只看该作者  [楼主]5  发表于: 2008-11-01 22:08:44
离线 summerstudio
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2007-06-13 15:04:05
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2005-10-06 00:02:00
2014-03-25 11:11:41
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2006-09-13 23:18:45
2014-01-30 15:32:18
只看该作者 8  发表于: 2008-11-04 10:04:21
离线 bop
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2007-12-13 18:17:00
2014-07-29 18:24:58
只看该作者 9  发表于: 2008-11-04 10:27:55
The fiction provided herein is a summary of the booklets accompanying the Binaltech toy releases. There has been no official storyline for Alternators on any Hasbro material, though the American Mazda website cited the Binaltech storyline and the Nemesis Prime exclusive had a story featuring Dr. Arkeville.

In the year 2003 the Autobots and humans have formed an alliance, leading to the formation of the Earth Defense Command, humanity's first step towards space with the creation of a lunar colony, and the construction of Autobot City, still in progress. Meanwhile, on Cybertron, Megatron had stepped up his campaign, and many Autobots had to return to their home planet to join the fight. However, a small group, led by Ultra Magnus, remained behind on Earth to defend the planet against the Decepticons forces still working there, led by Starscream.

When the Combaticon Swindle unleashed a modified version of the Cosmic Rust plague, many Autobots fell to it (including Smokescreen, Bluestreak (Silverstreak), Sideswipe, Tracks, Sunstreaker and Trailbreaker) and were damaged beyond repair. To revive the Autobots, the EDC initiated the Binaltech Project, which saw assorted human car manufacturers produce new bodies for the damaged Autobots, powered with electro-cells. Bluestreak was the first, but due to some instability problems with his personality, he was forced to undergo several tests before he was cleared. Subsequently, the project provided bodies for Smokescreen, Sideswipe (with a TORQ 3000 operating computer from Quantum Labs), Hound - who volunteered to undergo the BT process because of his love of earth and humans (his body co-built by Hybrid Technologies Corporation), and Tracks, able to switch his colouration from blue to yellow. These new Autobots were able to defeat the Decepticons, and force them off the planet.

However, in the shadows, a secret cabal known as the Concurrence had formed, with prominent members such as Count von Rani and General Garrison Kreiger (possibly a reference to General Blitz from Sgt Savage and the Screaming Eagles, where Sgt Savage referred to him as Kreiger), with financial backing from industrialist Shawn Berger Jr. and eccentric big gamer hunter, Lord Cholmondeley. Another member of the group was former Decepticon ally, Doctor Arkeville, who was soon contacted by Starscream with the intent to form an alliance between the Decepticons and the Concurrence. Combining his Hypno-Chips with the Insecticon Bombshell's Cerebro-Shells, Arkeville took control of several workers in the Binaltech Project, thus providing some Decepticons with new, more powerful bodies that could take on the Binaltech Autobots. Hence, while Symultech Industries believed themselves to be building a new body for the Autobot, Sunstreaker, they actually created a new form for the Stunticon, Dead End. And while the Central City Institute of Technology thought they were constructing the new body for Trailbreaker, it was in fact occupied by Swindle (who had managed to pull some tricks and move himself to the top of the list, even though there were more injured Decepticons than he) Unable to access the electro-cell recharge facility, the Decepticons instead used stabilised exponential generators as their power sources.

To counteract this development, the Autobots launched a new offensive in the form of Project Genetronic Translink, headed by old Autobot ally, Chip Chase, which involved the displacement of a Transformer's Laser Core to subspace, from where it could control multiple bodies via Translink Ports. Smokescreen underwent this process, becoming Smokescreen GT, and now able to control up to four bodies at once. Also, despite having not been affected by Cosmic Rust, Jazz underwent this process, and in his new body can now control a red duplicate of himself nicknamed Zoom Zoom. Jazz then proceeded to participate in Operation Carwash, a secret project intended to uncover the depth of the Decepticons' involvement in the BT project.

Meanwhile, EDC top agent Dashiell Faireborn had infiltrated the Concurrence's headquarters in the Lunar Colony, learning the truth, and transmitting a message to Ultra Magnus before being forced to flee to escape capture.

At the same time, across the galaxy, the war was not going well on Cybertron. The Unleashers, a primitive telepathic alien lifeform, was turned on the Autobots by the Decepticons, and infected the minds of the Dinobots, driving them insane and turning them into rampaging savages, forcing the Autobots to take them out of commission. Afterward, Grimlock regained consciousness and vowed to do anything to return to the battle. Hence, Wheeljack took him to Earth, where his mind was implanted in the newest Binaltech body, combining the best aspects of all the previous bodies constructed. Grimlock hated it immediately, but made the best of it.

But elsewhere, the seeds of the past were beginning to bear fruit. Staffers of the defunct government program, I.I.I. (Triple I), unearthed a mysterious capsule from a prehistoric layer of the planet, and dubbed it Schrödinger's Box. In actuality, the capsule was the flight recorder from the craft of the Decepticon/Predacon, Ravage, who had travelled back into Earth's prehistoric past and been destroyed during his involvement in the Beast Wars. The flight recorder contained an encoded copy of Ravage's personality and memories, and when the I.I.I. staffers managed to communicate with this consciousness, they agreed to give him a new body in exchange for his future knowledge. A new body was constructed in a fake BT project, and the copy of Ravage's consciousness was implanted in it. To truly bring him to life, however, the present-day Ravage - currently in EDC custody - was stasis-locked into cassette mode and permanently implanted into the new body's cassette deck, thereby providing the body with a Spark. Ravage overcame the failsafes in his body and equipped himself with weapons and then, realising that his participation in the Beast Wars had failed to change history, he killed the I.I.I. staffers and set out on a mission to alter the future.

Meanwhile, the Binaltech Project continued. After the creation of several prototypes, a new body was constructed for the Omnibot, Overdrive, armed with his Omniblaster and a Durabyllium shield. As a result of restrictions imposed by his role of humanitarian support, however, Overdrive's body had its in-built weapons removed. Overdrive, having experiences in dimensional travel, soon began to notice reality fluxes that resulted from sabotages acts committed by Ravage, and warned the Autobots that someone from outside the timestream was attempting to alter history.

Ravage's next action saw him infiltrate the facility producing the thirteenth Binaltech body, which was attempting to utilise Transmuter technology to shape a new BT body based on Jazz's scanned data. Ravage, however, implanted Shockwave's personality component and redesigned data into the car, causing it to take his form and restore him to life. Subsequently, Ravage hijacked Wheeljack's shuttle as it returned to Cybertron and landed it in devastated Decepticon territory, where he located and reactivated the Kronosphere, a time-travel device previously developed by Shockwave. Ravage employed the Kronosphere in the midst of the deciding battle between Optimus Prime and Megatron's forces - whereas in the original timeline, Prime's forces withdrew to their bases on Cybertron's moons (thereby setting up the scenario at the beginning of Transformers: The Movie), Ravage, unthinkably, succeeded in altering history by using the Kronosphere to trap Megatron and his forces in a time-space rift, thereby changing the outcome of the battle. But Ravage knows that soon, a great darkness is coming which the Autobots must face alone. And when all is laid to rest, Megatron will return!

Unfortunately for Ravage, he is eventually captured by the Autobots thanks to efforts from Overdrive and Wheeljack, and is intensely interrogated until he finally reveals the details of his mission, including how all but Optimus are expendable, as the Autobot leader has the tool needed to defeat Unicron upon the Chaos Bringer's arrival. Despite Ravage's tempting explanation that his plan may allow some of those Autobots destined to die in the original timeline (dubbed 'Prime Time' by Wheeljack, with the current, altered timeline being classified as 'Ravage Time') to survive, his plan is deemed too audacious and dangerous to be allowed to happen, and with Unicron already making his way to Cybertron, Optimus goads Ultra Magnus to accompany him in a shuttle to take the planet-eater down, while he ordered Skids to initiate Operation: Distant Thunder, a plan to prevent Ravage's time manipulations by sending a copy of Wheeljack's memory tracks, using a time warp created from manipulating the energies of the Earth location known as Dinobot Island, to a point in history preceding Ravage's changes, alerting their past selves of the threat Ravage's plans pose to their future and hopefully stop him before he could proceed with them. With any luck, if their plan succeeded, Operation Body Shop (the Binaltech project) would be able to smooth over any bumps in future history and abort most of the tragedies in the original timeline, without anyone being the wiser. Just as Skids sent the datatracks, however, sensors indicated a massive Decepticon platoon headed their way, a platoon that could jeopardize this one, desperate attempt to set right what Ravage had disturbed.

Meanwhile, during the assault on Unicron, Optimus Prime is wounded and the Matrix passed on to Ultra Magnus. In his darkest hour, Ultra Magnus communicates with the Matrix and unleashes its power, destroying Unicron in the process. Even with Unicron out of the way, Shockwave has disappeared and the danger of freeing Megatron and his forces are greater than ever. Back on Operation: Distant Thunder, Skids and his team barely repel the Decepticon squadron and manage to send the datatracks into the past. Almost immediately, multiple warpholes open up around the Earth and it almost appears as though Skids failed until the silhouette of an Optimus Prime-looking robot extends his hands and a huge light orb engulfs the planet and dispels the warpholes. The Black Optimus informs Skids that he has succeeded, that is, succeeded in preserving one particular timeline. The incomprehensible powers of Black Optimus have preserved and detached the current timeline from the original, much to everyone's shock and dismay. Taken back to the EDC base in Antarctica, the Black Optimus is questioned, answering every one of their queries with some reluctance. He informs the Autobots that within him is a spark from the future, bestowed to him by a being known only as the The Protector, in an effort to preserve this particular timeline. Furthermore, the Binaltechs will make their ascension into the Alternity and be the genesis of great beings who will oversee the safety of multi-dimensional galaxies. Surprising everyone, Optimus Prime awakens and confronts Black Optimus, who now reveals that he is tired of his guardian role and opens a portal, manifests a Decepticon insignia and ejects the spark, while automatically leaping into the portal of unknown destination. Overdrive, with his multi-dimensional capabilities, confirms the restoration of the parallel timeline, Prime Time, and reveals the many differences (among them, the death of Optimus Prime and the leadership of Rodimus Prime). Just then, Jazz detects numerous mobile fortresses on Cybertron, presumably heralding the return of Megatron. Optimus Prime vows that to obtain the future that the Protector seeks, they must defend the present and preserve the Binaltech project, spurring the Autobots to resume their duties. Meanwhile, in a secret lab, Dr. Arkeville, succeeds in using subspace translinking to transplant an ancient and ravenous spark into Black Optimus, birthing the being known only as Black Convoy!

At the end of the history-rewriting battle, “the world in which Binaltech’s would play crucial roles in deciding the direction of the future” had been created. But in that timeline, Megatron gained total control of Planet Seibertron and reigned violently, while on Earth, the newly created evil Black Convoy was scheming behind the scenes. It was a very difficult and turbulent time for the Cybertrons. “Alternity”, which was said to appear in the far future – the superior form of advanced Binaltech’s, and Cybertrons wagered their hope on it, much to Commander Convoy’s concern. There was no guarantee that this news from the future would save them at the present…but even they needed some hope. He himself thought they needed help from the future, even though he was reluctant to do so, in order to break through the presently difficult situation. Convoy summoned Prowl and the others in the tactics squad and told them that he figured out one method of counter attack based on Ravage’s memory of the future. Ravage was responsible for the situation, ha destroyed all the important data before being captured and interrogated by the Cybertrons. Even though the direction of history had changed, his knowledge of the future was still valid, and Cybertron scientists tried their best to repair his data. As a result, they successfully recovered some valuable data, and Commander Convoy was to decide how to handle it. As Megatron’s besiegement of the solar system closed in, Rijie concealed himself in an enemy supply ship and took full advantage of his improved Electro Disruptor to openly disembark from the ships cargo bay. He had no time to fully appreciate the fact that he was at last on his homeland, and headed to the designated spot “Co-ordinates Omega-Zero One”. In there rested the trump which would get his comrades and Earth out of this tight situation, possibly even end all battles. Standing by in the space 0.5 light years away was a camouflaged ship with Tracks, four Smokescreen GT’s and a human crew on board. Their task was to provide a diversion in case Rjie’s cover was blown. What awaited Rijie at the co-ordinates was a piece of unknown mechanical equipment which had been hidden deep beneath Seibertron since ancient times. Ravage’s information stated that when a glowing lever inside the chamber was pulled down, all Transformers across the galaxy would cease to function. The reason why such a formidable device, which was said to have influence across time and space, existed could not be divulged from the incompletely repaired data. ”If he goes ahead and activates the machine, the Cybertrons will be incapacitated as well, right?” Are you willing to do that?” a human crewmember asked them. “The most important task is to stop the war. We’ll leave the matters to you guys after that”, one of the Smokescreens, “Smokey 7”, answered, “Well hopefully, after getting rid of Megatron and his minions, you can wake us up”, “Smokey 2” cheerfully chimed in. Just when Megatron launched his attack on the EDC Mars base, a dark shadow interrupted two forces exchanging fires. EDC member Marissa Faireborn saw Black Convoy blocking Megatron’s path. “I will not allow you to disturb my yard!” “How dare a mere Earth made machine mimicking Convoy’s face wear a Destron insignia! You are a pathetic joke! I will crush you with my…!” Rijie reached the co-ordinates and avoided a trap set by Ravage. Then he was finally standing in front of the instant freezing machine. “That indecision will be the bane of their existence.” Rijie put his hand on the lever which was giving out a strange noise, and stared at the mysterious light. “This will make the universe quieter than ever.” He pulled the lever down forcefully. Straight away, the machine’s invisible force spread across the galaxy, as on Planet Seibertron and in each region of space, Transformers had stopped functioning all at once. On Mars, Megatron was also frozen stiff in his combative stance. Humans on the camouflaged ship were monitoring the effect of the freezing machine, but at the same time they noticed one abnormality. Tracks and the others were still moving. “This is Rijie…the operation was apparently a success. All the enemies on land seem to have been incapacitated…but I don’t understand. I heard the machine would dysfunction all Transformers, but it had no affect on me. Looks like it was a case of overblown advertising!” Having assessed the situation, Prowl soon realised what the abnormality actually was. “Only Binaltech’s are functioning!” It was in fact the GT System’s Translink mechanism which separated the life-core in sub-space, that acted as a filter to block the effect of the freezing machine. Since Project Bodyshop had come in use, most of the Cybertron warriors had been equipped with Translink-nodes, resulting in minimal damage to their side. They had been expecting the worst scenario that they might fall with the enemy when they decided on that last resort, but it unexpectedly brought them a victory in a seemingly no-win battle. ”How ironic it is that Binaltech’s saved me.” Black Convoy pushed Megatron, who was frozen right in front of him, aside and called the sole survivor Laserwave, “Transport as many Destrons as possible before the humans take them away. Hurry!” Laserwave hesitated momentarily, but he saw the logic and summoned rescue ships and worker drones straight away. As Black Convoy observed the humans abandoning their Mars base, he thought “If Binaltech’s are to bring on great power eventually, I would like to see it. For that, I may have to allow the continuation of the Earth civilisation. Though it is nothing to give some more time to a mere planet system before its complete destruction. The whole galaxy will soon be mine anyway.” He calmly went aboard the Destron ship and seated himself deeply onto Megatron’s throne.


在此提供小说是一个简要的小册子陪同Binaltech玩具新闻稿。一直没有正式的故事情节为发电机孩之宝的任何材料,但美国马自达网站引用Binaltech故事情节和复仇总理独家了一个故事具有博士Arkeville 。

在2003年的汽车和人类结成联盟,从而形成地球防卫司令部,人类的第一步空间,创造一个月球殖民地,建造Autobot市,仍在进行之中。与此同时, Cybertron ,威震加强了他的竞选,许多汽车不得不返回家园星球加入战斗。然而,一小群,由超马格努斯,留在地球保卫地球的霸天虎势力仍在那里工作,由星星。

当Combaticon诈骗发动了修改版的宇宙锈病瘟疫,许多汽车下跌给它(包括烟幕, Bluestreak ( Silverstreak ) , Sideswipe ,轨道, Sunstreaker和Trailbreaker )和损坏后无法修复。振兴汽车的的EDC开始Binaltech项目,该项目的各类人力看到汽车制造商产生新的机构损坏的汽车,动力电细胞。 Bluestreak是第一次,但由于一些不稳定的问题,他的性格,他是被迫接受一些测试之前,他已清除。随后,该项目提供机构的烟幕, Sideswipe (与TORQ 3000操作系统的计算机量子实验室) ,猎犬-谁主动接受B T的进程,因为他热爱地球和人类(他的身体共同建造的H ybrid科技公司) ,并跟踪,可以切换着色他从蓝色到黄色。这些新的汽车能够打败霸天虎,并迫使它们赶走这个星球。

然而,在黑暗中,一个秘密阴谋集团被称为竞合已形成,与著名的成员,如伯爵冯拉妮和一般驻军Kreiger (可能是参照一般闪电从军士萨维奇和老鹰的尖叫,而军士萨维奇称他为Kreiger ) ,与金融支持工业肖恩伯杰和小偏心大游戏猎人,主Cholmondeley 。另一位成员组前Decepticon盟友,医生Arkeville ,谁很快联系星星的意图结成联盟之间的霸天虎和同意。结合他的催眠芯片与Insecticon炸弹的脑壳, Arkeville控制了几个工人在Binaltech项目,从而使一些霸天虎新的,更强大的机构,可以采取对Binaltech汽车。因此,虽然Symultech工业认为自己是建立一个新机构的Autobot , Sunstreaker ,实际上创造了一种新形式的Stunticon ,死胡同。而中心城市理工学院以为他们是建设新Trailbreaker机构,它实际上是被诈骗(谁曾设法拉一些技巧和自己的行动清单的最上方,即使有更多的人受伤霸天虎比他)无法访问电电池充电设施,霸天虎而不是用来稳定指数发电机作为其电源。



与此同时,整个星系,战争是不会很好Cybertron 。该Unleashers ,一种原始的telepathic外来lifeform ,是打开汽车的霸天虎,并且感染心中的Dinobots ,驱使他们疯狂的转化成狂暴野蛮人,迫使汽车把他们的佣金。随后, Grimlock恢复知觉,并誓言做任何事情来返回到战斗。因此, Wheeljack把他带到地球,他的心里植入最新Binaltech机构,结合最好的方面,以前所有的机构建设。 Grimlock讨厌它立即,但取得的最好内容。

但是,其他地方的种子在过去已开始结出硕果。员工的解散政府的计划,三(三I ) ,挖出了一个神秘的胶囊从史前层的星球,它被称为薛定谔的盒子。实际上,太空舱的飞行记录器从导弹快艇的Decepticon / Predacon ,破坏,谁曾前往回到地球的史前过去和被摧毁期间他参与野兽战争。飞行记录器的载有编码的副本肆虐的性格和记忆,当三员工管理沟通与此意识,他们同意给他一个新的机构,以换取他未来的知识。一个新的机构,构建了假冒电信工程,副本肆虐的意识植入它。要真正把他的生命,然而,当今的肆虐-目前的E DC保管-是血瘀锁成盒式模式和永久植入新机构的盒式甲板上,从而使机构的火花。肆虐克服了failsafes在他的身体和装备自己的武器,然后意识到,他参加了野兽战争未能改变历史,他杀害了三工作人员并制定了一个任务,改变未来。

与此同时, Binaltech项目继续进行。成立后的几个原型,一个新的机构,构建为Omnibot ,超速,武装与他Omniblaster和Durabyllium盾牌。由于所施加的限制,其作用的人道主义援助,但是,超速的身体有其固有的武器删除。超速,有经验的三维旅行,尽快开始注意到通量的现实造成的破坏犯下的蹂躏,并警告说,汽车,有人从国外timestream正在试图改变历史。

肆虐的下一次见到他的行动渗透到生产设施的第十三Binaltech机构,该机构正在试图利用Transmuter技术,形成一个新的电信机构的基础上爵士队的扫描数据。蹂躏,但是,植入冲击波的人格组成部分和设计数据转化为汽车,造成他的形式和恢复他的生活。随后,被劫持Wheeljack肆虐的航天飞机,因为它返回Cybertron并降落在破坏Decepticon领土,在那里他找到并恢复了Kronosphere ,时间旅行装置先前制定的冲击波。肆虐雇用Kronosphere处于决定性的战斗擎天柱和威震天的力量-而在原来的时间表,总理的部队撤回到他们的基地上C ybertron的卫星(从而建立的情况在年初变形金刚:电影版) ,蹂躏, unthinkably ,成功地篡改历史使用Kronosphere捕获威震和他的部队在时空裂缝,从而改变结果的战斗。但是,肆虐知道,不久,伟大的黑暗是未来的汽车必须单独面对。当所有的安息,威震天将返回!

但不幸的是蹂躏,他最终被抓获的汽车由于努力超速和Wheeljack ,是激烈的审问,直到他终于发现的细节他的使命,包括如何Optimus的一切,但有消耗,如Autobot领导人的工具需要Unicron失败的混沌Bringer的到来。尽管肆虐的诱人的解释,即他的计划可能会允许一些汽车模具注定要在原来的时间(称为'黄金时间'的Wheeljack ,目前,更改时间被归类为'蹂躏时间' )为了生存,他的计划被认为是过于大胆的和危险的是不允许发生的,并且已经取得Unicron途中Cybertron , Optimus的goads超马格努斯陪他在航天飞机采取的行星吃了,而他下令底垫开始操作:遥远的雷鸣,一个计划,以防止肆虐的时候操纵发送一份Wheeljack的记忆轨道,利用时空操纵创造的能量,地球的位置被称为Dinobot岛,一个点在历史上肆虐的变化,提醒他们过去的自我的威胁肆虐的计划构成他们的未来和希望阻止他,他可以与他们。运气好的话,如果他们的计划获得成功,手术美体小铺(在Binaltech项目)将能够顺利地在任何颠簸在今后的历史和流产的大多数悲剧在原来的时间表,没有任何人是明智的。正如底垫发送datatracks然而,传感器显示出巨大的排Decepticon领导的方式,一排可能危及这一次,绝望的企图设置权蹂躏了什么不安。

同时,在攻击Unicron ,擎天柱受伤和矩阵传递给超马格努斯。在他最黑暗的时刻,超通讯玛格纳斯与矩阵和释放其权力,摧毁Unicron的过程中。即使Unicron的方式,冲击波已经消失的危险释放威震和他的部队是比以前更大了。回到操作:遥远的雷鸣,底垫和他的团队刚刚击退Decepticon中队和管理发送datatracks过去。几乎就在同时,多开辟warpholes环绕地球,它几乎似乎没有底垫,直到人影的擎天柱前瞻性机器人扩展他的手和一个巨大的光球吞没地球和驱除的warpholes 。黑Optimus的通知底垫,他已成功,就是成功地维护一个特定时间表。不可思议的权力的黑Optimus的保存和超脱目前的时间从原来的,但每个人的震惊和失望。带回的EDC在南极基地,黑海Optimus的质疑,回答每一个他们的查询与一些不情愿。他告知汽车,在他是一个火花从今后,赋予他由一个被称为唯一的守护者,为了维护这一特定时间表。此外, Binaltechs将其上升到Alternity和是伟大的成因存在谁监督的安全多维星系。令人惊讶每一个人,擎天柱唤醒和面临的黑色Optimus的,谁现在发现,他是厌倦了他的监护人的作用,并打开了一个门户网站,体现一Decepticon标志和弹出的火花,而自动进入跨越式门户网站的去向不明。超速,他的多面能力,证实了恢复并行的时间表,总理的时间,揭示了许多分歧(其中,死亡和擎天柱领导的Rodimus总理) 。就在这时,爵士检测无数的移动堡垒Cybertron ,大概预示着返回的威震天。擎天柱誓言,为今后获得了保护者的要求,他们必须捍卫本和维护Binaltech项目,促进汽车恢复其职责。与此同时,在一个秘密的实验室,博士Arkeville ,成功地利用空间translinking移植一个古老的和贪婪的火花变成黑色Optimus的,正在分娩的只知道黑色车队!

在结束历史重写战役“ ,在其中的世界Binaltech的将发挥关键作用决定的方向未来”已经建立。但是在时间表,威震获得完全控制的星球Seibertron和暴力统治,而在地球上,新成立的邪恶车队黑色阴谋的幕后。这是一个非常困难和动荡时期的Cybertrons 。 “ Alternity ” ,据说这是出现在遥远的未来-上级形式的先进B inaltech的,并C ybertrons赌注,他们希望上,许多指挥官护送的关注。没有保证这一消息,今后将拯救他们在本...但即使他们需要一些希望。他本人认为他们需要帮助的未来,即使他不愿意这样做,为了打破目前困难的局面。车队传唤潜行和其他球队的战术,并告诉他们,他想出一个方法反击的基础上肆虐的记忆体的未来。肆虐负责的状况,哈销毁了所有的重要数据,然后被抓获和审讯的Cybertrons 。即使方向的历史发生了变化,他的知识,将来仍然是有效的,并Cybertron科学家尽力修复他的数据。因此,他们成功地恢复了一些有价值的数据,以及车队指挥官来决定如何处理它。作为威震天的besiegement太阳系封闭,日杰隐瞒自己的敌人补给舰,并充分利用他的电磁干扰改进公开出入境船舶货舱。他没有时间去充分理解一个事实,即他是在去年对自己的祖国,并前往指定地点“统筹欧米茄零一” 。在那里休息的王牌将得到他的同志和地球摆脱这种紧张局势,甚至可能停止一切战斗。常务委员会由空间0.5光年是一个被伪装的船舶航迹,四个烟幕GT公司和一个人名机组人员。他们的任务是提供一个转移的情况下Rjie的封面被炸毁。什么期待日杰在统筹是一块未知的机械设备一直深藏于Seibertron自古以来。肆虐的资料指出,当一个光辉的杠杆内室推倒,所有变压器整个星系会停止运作。为什么这样一个可怕的装置,据说这是全国具有影响力的时间和空间,存在着不能透露的完全修复数据。 “如果他继续进行并激活机, Cybertrons将无行为能力的,以及,对不对? ”你愿意这样做吗? “人类宇航员问他们。 “最重要的任务是制止战争。我们会离开的事项后,你们说, “之一的烟幕, ”护林7 “ ,回答说: ”希望井后,摆脱威震和他的奴才,你可以唤醒我们上升“ , ”护林2 “愉快跟进正当威震开始了他的攻击火星基地的EDC ,阴影中断两股力量交换火灾。玛丽莎的EDC成员Faireborn看到黑护送阻止威震天的道路。 “我不会让你打扰我的院子里! ” “怎么敢地球只是模仿了机车队的脸穿Destron徽章!你是一个可怜的笑话!我将粉碎你我的... ! “达日杰统筹,避免了一个圈套蹂躏。然后,他终于站在即时冻结机。 “这将是犹豫不决的祸根它们的存在。 ”日杰把他的手的杠杆是给出了一个奇怪的声音,望着神秘的光。 “这将使宇宙比以往任何时候都更安静。 ”他把下跌的有力杠杆。直以外,机器的无形的力量遍布星系,星球上Seibertron并在每个区域的空间,变压器已停止运作的一次。在火星上,威震天也冻僵在他的好斗的立场。人类的伪装被监控船舶的影响,冻结机,但同时他们注意到一个异常。轨道和其他人仍然感人。 “这是日杰...行动显然是成功的。所有的敌人的土地上似乎已经丧失...但我不明白。我听到机器将所有变压器的功能,但它不会影响我。看起来这是一个情况下夸大了的广告! “在评估局势,潜行很快意识到什么异常实际上是。 “只有Binaltech的运作! ”这是事实上的燃气轮机系统的交通局机制,分离的生命核心的子空间,即充当过滤器拦截的效果冻结机。由于车身项目已经在使用中,大多数战士Cybertron已配备交通局节点,造成最低限度的破坏他们一边。他们一直期待着最坏的情况,它们可能属于与敌人时,他们决定就这一最后手段,但它意外地使他们的胜利似乎没有赢得战斗。 “如何具有讽刺意味的是, Binaltech的救了我。 ”黑车队推威震,谁的权利被冻结在他面前,一边和所谓的唯一幸存者Laserwave , “交通运输Destrons许多之前,尽可能人类带他们离开。快点! “ Laserwave犹豫一时,但他看到了逻辑和传唤救援船只和工人马上无人驾驶飞机。黑色护送观察人类放弃了火星基地,他认为: “如果Binaltech的是使在大国最终,我想看到它。对于这一点,我可能会允许继续地球文明。虽然它没有提供一些更多的时间仅仅行星系统之前彻底销毁。整个银河系将很快反正地雷。 “他平静地去上Destron船舶和坐了下来深入到威震天的王位。
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